Democrat Hypocrites: Then and Now





These are all words students captured on video used to describe the words of President Trump. The catch? The quotes the clueless students were given to review and comment on were not actually made by the President at all—they are direct quotes from untouchable Liberal idols like Barak Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer!

Here are some highlights from the video, along with the Democrat politician’s current views on immigration. Dems, now that you have the House, you may want to do something about funding real schools instead of the Liberal indoctrination factories we have now.


Chuck Schumer in 2009: “Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress.”

Chuck Schumer in 2019: “More than TWENTY-FIVE TIMES, President Trump demanded a government shutdown in an attempt to force the American people to fund an expensive, ineffective border wall.”

Imagine that, Schumer, President Trump is trying to make progress according to your own definition of it, but it’s still not good enough. Could the problem be you and not Trump?


Hillary Clinton in 2008: “I voted numerous times… to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.”

Hillary Clinton in 2019: “We’ve raised over $100k and counting for organizations that help families and kids at the border … Let’s keep counteracting his lies about migrants and refugees with positive action.”

Let me guess, Hillary, by “you have to control your borders” and your votes to build a barrier, what you really meant was to give illegal immigrants an orderly and controlled way to get into the country and have money raised for and spent on them?


Obama in 2005: “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented and unchecked.”

Obama in 2019: (Crickets)

I couldn’t find any recent Obama quotes that specifically referenced Trump’s border wall. It’s almost as if Obama doesn’t want to go on the record as being against it. He didn’t even Tweet about the wall when Trump called him out on Twitter for having a security wall around his own house. What’s the matter, Obama? Why are you suddenly keeping quiet about border security when you are still so actively involved in trying to sabotage the standing president?




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Hateful Liberals Strike Again. Today’s Victim: Michael Savage

It is well-known among Conservatives that the Left is the party of hate and division, and attacks have been ramping up ever since their corrupt candidate, Hillary Clinton, failed to steal the White House. President Trump’s unprecedented successes have literally driven Democrats crazy. This week, no one knows that better than Conservative radio host Michael Savage, who received the following hate-filled email from a deranged Lib:


The charming Democrat voter then went on to state that he owns three guns (which his party would strip from him if they could), and he stated, “CAN DO SOME SERIOUS F—ING DAMAGE. “I WILL KILL AS MANY OF YOU RACIST-SUPPORTING/ENABLING WHITE SUPREMACISTS AS I F—ING CAN.”

Ironically, if he were a Conservative making the same threats, not only would his threats be condemned, his poor spelling, grammar, and punctuation would also be attacked. But because the person making the threat is on their side, Democrats haven’t said a word in Savage’s defense or admonished their supporters to cease with the threats and violence.

Because of the threat posed by unhinged Democrats, Savage was forced to go to the authorities. He also had to change his location. He Tweeted the following message to his would-be attacker:

Thanks to the Fake News Media, which seems to exist at this point only to inflate their poor ratings by capitalizing on President Trump’s fame, this kind of behavior is starting to seem normal for the Left. Luckily for Mr. Savage, he is on the right side of history, and he has plenty of Patriots standing by his side.

Does CNN Support Our Troops?

Note to Dems: This is what a real President looks like.


This Christmas a miracle came true for military members currently stationed in an active combat zone in Iraq: President Trump and his lovely wife Melania paid them a visit! The President and First Lady traveled over 12,000 miles overnight, round trip, on no sleep, to make this happen, and while he was there he graciously signed MAGA hats the enlisted men and women brought with them around the world because they support the President 100%.

What was CNN’s response to this historic visit, the first since 1969 in which a First Lady visited an active combat zone? Did they praise Melania for her bravery? Did they praise the President for putting the military first? Did they highlight the joy the soldiers felt over this surprise visit? Of course not. They’re Democrats. CNN’s response was to claim it was illegal for Trump to sign the hats. Even worse, they suggested the soldiers who were overjoyed to get these autographs should be punished. How anti-America is that?

President Trump has signed MAGA hats for military members in the past, including at a visit to a base in Germany. But that was presumably okay with Liberals then because they weren’t outraged that time. Presumably, because it wasn’t Christmas so they had less incentive to smear the President.

We hate to tell you this, Democrats and Fake Liberal News Media, but there is no rule against Airmen bringing personal items for the President to sign. You may create one now that our enlisted men and women want Trump’s autograph though. You never needed a law like this in the past because no one liked Obama enough to bother to bring items to sign.

Shame on you, CNN. Does your hatred of the President know no bounds? Is there no one you won’t attack to take a cheap shot at Trump? Is there no depth to which you are not willing to sink? America deserves better. It’s time for President Trump to start giving real journalists press passes instead of these frauds.

Who do you think President Trump should give a press pass to first? Let us know in the comments!